Frustrations with Insurance CompanyIn light of recent event involving United Healthcare, I want to share my recent experience with my own insurance company so someone in…Dec 16, 2024Dec 16, 2024
Published inThe StartupA Simple React Project For Natural Disaster TrackersClimate change has been on the front page of news for a while now with numerous reports of weather extremes bombarding our daily news feed…Aug 11, 2022Aug 11, 2022
Roku HBO Max App Streaming ProblemIf you are here because you are on the verge of cancelling HBO Max due to errors while streaming 4K content on your Roku Streaming Stick, I…Nov 10, 2021Nov 10, 2021
Published inNerd For TechPop Up An InfoWindow When Mouseover A Google Maps MarkerIn one of my last blogs I wrote about creating a polyline from multiple markers (you can read it here). In app I display the distances…Feb 28, 2021Feb 28, 2021
Published inNerd For TechShowing Weather Forecast Using A ModalDo you want to know the weather before walking your dog? The target audience of my dog poop tracker app are dog owners who spot piles not…Feb 9, 2021Feb 9, 2021
Centering Google Maps On An AppWhen we display Google Maps, especially when we zoom in at local level, we usually want it to center on a certain location on the map so…Feb 2, 2021Feb 2, 2021
Published inThe StartupWhy Are There So Many Curly Brackets{} in JavaScript?If someone reads programs written in JavaScript, one would definitely wonder about the abundance of these symbols in the code . They are…Jan 26, 2021Jan 26, 2021
Published inThe StartupGPS Coordinates And Zip CodeHere in the U.S., regardless of where you live or work, there is no escape from zip codes. Every address in this country has a zip code…Jan 19, 2021Jan 19, 2021
Published inLevel Up CodingUsing EXIF To Extract GPS Data From PhotoI live in the city, on a pleasant sunny day it is always a joy to see plenty of people walking their dogs of different shapes and sizes…Jan 13, 2021Jan 13, 2021
Published inThe StartupUpdating the Redux Store Vs Local State in the Same ComponentWhen someone clicks a button to delete a displayed data element, the general practice in a React/Redux application is to update the Redux…Jan 6, 2021Jan 6, 2021